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Overseas Travel Health Insurance Policies from India
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   8- Policy wording overseas travel insurance (ICICI Lombard)
What it does not cover?
The Company shall not be liable to make any payment under this benefit in connection with or in respect of any expenses whatsoever incurred by the Insured in connection with or in respect of :
  1. Valuables and money, all kinds of securities and tickets/passes or any other item not declared to, and agreed to by, the Company.
  2. Loss of property unless a Property Irregularity Report or other report usually issued by carriers in the event of loss of checked-in baggage has been procured and submitted to the Company
  3. Any partial loss of the items contained within the checked-in baggage.
  4. Items contained within the checked-in baggage, which are valued in excess of US $ 100 without appropriate proof of ownership.
  5. Losses arising from any delay, detention, confiscation by customs officials or other public authorities.
  6. Loss due to complete/partial damage of the checked-in baggage.
  7. Any checked-in baggage loss in the Republic of India.
  8. Any exclusion mentioned in the 'General Exclusions' section of this Policy.
What it covers?
The Company shall compensate the Insured for the temporary delay of checked-in baggage being transported during a Trip abroad. The payment for this benefit will be limited to the travel destinations specified in the main travel ticket from India and return trip back to India during the trip abroad. All halts and via destinations included in this main travel ticket will also be considered for payment under this benefit. The compensation will not exceed the Sum Insured for the coverage as mentioned in Part I of the Schedule hereto.
The deductible excess in respect of this benefit will be applicable for each separate claim, and shall be of an amount as specified in Part I of the Schedule to this Policy.
  1. The Company will pay for costs of necessary emergency purchases of toiletries, medication and clothing in the event of the Insured suffering temporary delay of his/her checked-in baggage while being transported during the Trip, provided that :
    • The delay of checked-in baggage is more than 12 hours from the actual arrival time of the Common carrier at the destination and relates to delivery of baggage that has been checked in by the Common carrier.
    • Insured provides the Company with written proof of delay from the Common carrier.
    • Insured provides the Company with the receipts for the necessary emergency purchases of toiletries, medication and clothing that he/she needed to buy.
    Important Note :In the event that claim(s) is submitted for total loss of checked-in baggage as well as temporary delay of checked-in baggage, the higher of the claim(s) shall be payable by the Company in respect of the same item(s) of checked-in baggage during any one Period of Insurance.
  2. In the event that the Company makes any payment or reimbursement under this benefit, it is a condition of such payment that any recovery from any carrier by the Insured, or on behalf of the Insured, under the terms of the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air, 1929 (“Warsaw Convention”) shall become the property of the Company.
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