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   8- Policy wording overseas travel insurance (ICICI Lombard)
  1. Subsidence and Landslide including Rock slide:Loss, destruction or damage directly caused by Subsidence of part of the site on which the property stands or Land slide/ Rock slide excluding :
    1. The normal cracking, settlement or bedding down of new structures
    2. The settlement or movement of made up ground
    3. Coastal or river erosion
    4. Defective design or workmanship or use of defective materials
    5. Demolition, construction, structural alterations or repair of any property of ground works or excavations.
  2. Bursting and/or overflowing of Water Tanks, Apparatus and Pipes
  3. Missile Testing operations
  4. Leakage from Automatic Sprinkler Installations Excluding loss, destruction or damage caused by
    1. Repairs or alterations to the buildings or premises.
    2. Repairs, Removal or Extension of the Sprinkler Installation.
    3. Defects in construction known to the insured.
  5. Bush Fire
Excluding loss destruction or damage caused by Forest Fire. PROVIDED that the liability of the Company shall in no case exceed in respect of each item the sum expressed in the said Schedule to be insured thereon or in the whole the total Sum Insured hereby or such other sum or sums as may be substituted therefor by memorandum hereon or attached hereto signed by or on behalf of the Company.
What it does not cover?
  1. This Policy does not cover (not applicable to policies covering dwellings)- The Excess shall apply per event per insured.
  2. Loss, destruction or damage caused by war, invasion, act of foreign enemy hostilities or war like operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, mutiny, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to a popular rising, military rising, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power.
  3. Loss, destruction or damage directly or indirectly caused to the property insured by
    1. Ionizing radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fue
    2. The radio active, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof
  4. Loss, destruction or damage caused to the insured property by pollution or contamination excluding
    1. Pollution or contamination which itself results from a peril hereby insured against.
    2. Any peril hereby insured against which itself results from pollution or contamination
  5. Loss, destruction or damage to bullion or unset precious stones, any curios or works of art for an amount exceeding Rs. 10000/-, manuscripts, plans, drawings, securities, obligations or documents of any kind, stamps, coins or paper money, cheques, books of accounts or other business books, computer systems records, explosives unless otherwise expressly stated in the policy.
  6. Loss, destruction or damage to the stocks in Cold Storage premises caused by change of temperature.
  7. Loss, destruction or damage to any electrical machine, apparatus, fixture, or fitting arising from or occasioned by over-running, excessive pressure, short circuiting, arcing, self heating or leakage of electricity from whatever cause (lightning included) provided that this exclusion shall apply only to the particular electrical machine, apparatus, fixture or fitting so affected and not to other machines, apparatus, fixtures or fittings which may be destroyed or damaged by fire so set up.
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