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Overseas Travel Health Insurance Policies from India
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(5) Specimen proposal form of ICICI Lombard   (6) Policy wording individual overseas travel insurance (Tata AIG)*
(7) Policy Wording/ Proposal Form/ Brochure   (8) Policy wording overseas travel insurance (ICICI Lombard)
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   8- Policy wording overseas travel insurance (ICICI Lombard)
  1. The maximum number of travel days that may be insured, under the policy, shall be 180 days. Provided that the policy may be extended only once beyond the initial period of 180 days during the trip duration by a maximum of additional 180 days at the sole discretion of the Company. Provided further that for an Insured being up to the age of 60 years, the maximum trip duration (including the as provided earlier) shall not exceed 360 days in total, and for an Insured being more than 60 years of age, the maximum trip duration (including the extension as provided earlier) shall not exceed 180 days in total.
  2. Policy start date should be on or before the trip start date.
  3. Extension of policy during the duration of the Trip can only be done only once at the sole discretion of the Company. The Insured shall submit a declaration letter clearly mentioning the claims filed during the Original policy duration and also that he/she is
  4. unaware of any health condition today which could result in a claim during the extension period. In case a claim has been filed on the original policy duration, then the policy may be extended only if the claim filed for is under the following benefits,
    1. Dental Treatment
    2. Baggage Loss
    3. Baggage Delay
    4. Financial Emergency
    5. Passport Loss
    6. Hijack Distress Allowance
    7. Trip Cancellation & Interruption
    8. Trip Delay
    9. Missed Connection
    10. Bounced Booking of Hotel & Airline
    The extension of any policy is at the sole discretion of the company, and they company is not liable to offer any reason to the insured if the policy is not extended.
  1. A policy may not be extended if a claim is already filed by the insured. If the insured does not declare the claims filed or the claims that will be filed on the policy for the original policy duration, the extension is deemed to be invalid. No refund of premium will be given. The company will also not be liable to pay any claim filed on these policies.
  2. Termination of the policy at a date earlier than the end date can be done only if the insured returns back to the Republic of India earlier than the end date of the policy. Refund of premium for the days between the arrival date and the end date of the policy will only be given if the same are minimum 30. A cancellation charge will be deducted from the refund premium. Premium refunded will be equal to the amount of premium to be paid for the original policy duration, minus the premium to be paid by taking the arrival date as the new end date. No refunds will be given on policies with claims.
  3. The premium payable for the extension of the Policy during the Trip duration shall be the premium payable for the overall trip duration (including the extension) less the initial premium already paid.
  4. Deductible will be charged for each separate incident reported for claims payment, even though the claim may be registered under the same benefit more than once.
  5. For professional and semi-professional sportsmen, the Company may charge an additional premium upto 150%.
  6. Policy is applicable for one-way travel also, including immigration travel with the condition that the maximum duration of coverage will be 60 days.
  7. The Insured shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent injury, illness and disease in order to minimize claims. Failure to do so will prejudice the Insured's claim under this Policy.
  8. The Insured shall provide the Company with the details of the Trip and other information (as may be required by the Company from time to time) about the Insured in advance.
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