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Overseas Travel Health Insurance Policies from India
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(5) Specimen proposal form of ICICI Lombard   (6) Policy wording individual overseas travel insurance (Tata AIG)*
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   8- Policy wording overseas travel insurance (ICICI Lombard)
  1. The insured or a Traveling Companion being the victim of a Felonious Assault within 10 days prior to the departure date, provided that the Insured (including any member of Insured's Family) or the Traveling Companion (including any member of Traveling Companion's Family) is/are not principal or accessory in such Felonious Assault.
  2. A Terrorist Incident in a City/destination listed on the Insured's itinerary within 30 days of the Insured's scheduled arrival. “City” means an incorporated municipality having defined borders and does not include the high seas, uninhabited areas or airspace.
  3. Trip Cancellation Benefits: The Insurer will pay this benefit up to the Maximum Limit as specified in Part I of the Schedule for Trips that are delayed or canceled before the scheduled Departure Date. The Company will reimburse for the forfeited, nonrefundable prepaid payments, made prior to the insured's Departure Date.
    1. Return to the Republic of India; or
    2. From the place that the Insured left the Trip to the place that the Insured may rejoin the Trip; or
    3. Additional transportation expenses incurred by the Insured to reach the original Trip Destination if the Insured is delayed, and leaves after the Trip Departure Date.
    However, the benefit payable under (2) and (3) will not exceed the cost of economy airfare by the most direct route, less any refunds paid or payable.
What it does not cover?
  1. Common Carrier-caused delays, including an announced, organized sanctioned union labor strike that affects public transportation, unless the commencement of the Period of Insurance is prior to a date when the Strike is foreseeable. A Strike is foreseeable on the date the labor union members vote to approve a Strike.
  2. Travel arrangements canceled or changed by an airline, cruise line, or tour operator, unless the cancellation is the result of bad weather.
  3. Changes in plans by the Insured, an Immediate Family Member, or Traveling Companion for any reason.
  4. Adverse change in financial circumstances of the Insured, any Family Member, or a Traveling Companion.
  5. Any business or contractual obligations of the Insured, any Family Member, or a Traveling Companion, except for termination or layoff of employment as defined above.
  6. Default by the person, agency, or tour operator from whom the Insured bought this Policy and made travel arrangements.
  7. Any government regulation or prohibition.
  8. An event or circumstance, which occurs prior to the commencement of the Period of Insurance.
  9. On account of a Felonious Assault, where the Insured, any Family Member of the Insured, the Traveling Companion or Traveling Companion's Family Member has been a principal or accessory in the Assault committed.
What it covers?
The Company hereby agrees, subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions herein contained or otherwise expressed herein, to pay to the Insured compensation upto the sum insured in the event inclement weather causes cancellation or a delay of all regularly scheduled airline flights on which the insured is or would be traveling, for three to less than twelve hours from the scheduled departure time. The insured will be reimbursed for,
  1. Additional transportation costs to join the Trip (must be same class of original tickets purchased).
  2. Reasonable accommodations and meals up to $50 per day.
  3. And/or the non-refundable, unused portion of the prepaid expenses as long as the expense is supported by a proof of purchase and is not reimbursable by another source. The Common Carrier must certify the delay of the regularly scheduled airline flight.
The compensation under this cover will not exceed the Sum Insured for the overage as mentioned in Part I of the Schedule hereto.
The deductible excess in respect of this benefit will be applicable for each separate claim, and shall be of an amount as specified in Part I of the Schedule to this Policy.
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