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Overseas Travel Health Insurance Policies from India
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   8- Policy wording overseas travel insurance (ICICI Lombard)
What documents I need to submit ?
16. Claim Documentation :
  1. The original ticket / boarding pass or a copy of the passport indicating the traveldates must be submitted with every claim, along with the completed claims form
  2. The original bills and vouchers must be submitted along with all claims.
  3. Bills/vouchers/reports/discharge summary must mention the name of the person treated, the type of illness, details of the individual items of medical treatment provided and the dates of treatment. Prescriptions must clearly show the medicines prescribed. The pharmacy bills must clearly show the price and the receipt stamp of the pharmacy. In the case of dental treatment, the bills/
    vouchers/ reports must give the details of the tooth treated and the treatment performed. Treatment taken on different dates for separate ailments will be treated as separate claims. The claims form should clearly indicate the same and supporting should be provided for each one. Deductible will apply for each claimseparately.
  4. For reimbursement of the costs of transporting the mortal remains to the Republic of India or of the costs of burial abroad, an official death certificate and a physician's statement giving the cause of death needs to be submitted. Medical statements from relations or spouses will not be accepted. Original bills / receiptsof the expenses incurred need to be submitted also. These would be paid as per the usual and customary charges incurred for the same.
  5. For reimbursement of extra expenses of transportation of Insured to the Republic of India, a medical statement from a qualified & registered Physician indicating the cause of illness and the necessity of the transportation needs to be submitted. Medical statements from relations or spouses will not be accepted. Original bills / receipts of the expenses incurred need to be submitted also. These would be paid as per the usual and customary charges incurred for the same.
  6. In case of loss of checked-in baggage, a Property Irregularity Report or other report usually issued by the carriers in the event of loss of checked-in baggage will need to be submitted with the claims form. A letter from the airline will also need to be submitted stating the compensation received from them for the lost baggage.
  7. Adequate proof of ownership of items contained within checked-in baggage valued in excess of the Indian Rupee equivalent of US $ 100 for loss/delay of checked-in baggage will need to be submitted.
  8. Original bills of emergency items purchased, and the property irregularity report or any other such report from the airline stating the date and time of arrival of delayed baggage needs to be submitted in case of checked-in baggage delay claims.
  9. For loss of passport, a Police Report obtained within 24 hours of the Insured Person becoming aware of the theft needs to be submitted. Along with this, bills / receipts of expenses incurred in obtaining a new / fresh passport needs to be submitted.
  10. For Financial Emergency, the original police report filed within 24 hours of becoming aware of the robbery needs to be submitted.
  11. For any claim under Hijacking, the incident should be confirmed by the police.The police report should submitted along with the claim form should contain the details such as the name and passport number of the insured, period of hijacking and details of the hijacking.
  12. For personal liability, proof of judicial decision rendered by a court of law needs to be submitted.
  13. For personal accident, original bills/ vouchers/ reports/ discharge summary that are submitted, must mention the name of the person treated, the cause of accident, details of the individual items of medical treatment provided and the dates of treatment. Post mortem report, if applicable, shall also be submitted.
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