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Overseas Travel Health Insurance Policies from India
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   8- Policy wording overseas travel insurance (ICICI Lombard)
  1. The Company shall be responsible for contesting unjustified claims against the Insured and providing indemnity for damages, which the Insured has to pay. For indemnity to be provided against damages, the damages must be payable under an acceptance of liability given or approved by the Company or under a judicial decision rendered by a court of law.
  2. If there is a legal action in process against the Insured over a personal liability issue, the Company may conduct the legal action, including appointment of legal counsel, at the Company's expense in the name of the Insured at the Company's sole discretion.
  3. The Company will have the right, but in no case the obligation, to take over and conduct in the name of the Insured the defense of any claim and will have full discretion in the conduct of any proceedings and in the settlement of any claim and having taken over the defense of any claim, the Company may relinquish the same.
  4. In the event the Company, in its sole discretion, chooses to exercise its right in pursuance of this condition, no action taken by the Company in the exercise of such right will serve to modify or expand in any manner, what the Company's liability or obligations under this Policy would have otherwise been had it not exercised its rights under this condition.
What it covers ?
An 'accident' is considered to have occurred :
  1. If the Insured suffers involuntary damage to his/her person as a result of an event that suddenly acts on his/her body from outside.
  2. If due to excessive exertion, a joint is dislocated or muscles, ligaments or tendons are strained or torn.
If the Insured meets with an accident, which leads to death or disablement of the Insured, the Company will provide insurance coverage to the Insured in the following manner:
  1. Death of Insured : If following an accident while on the trip abroad that causes death of the Insured within one year from the date of accident, the Company will pay to the nominee of the Insured, an amount as compensation subject to the maximum sum insured specified in Part I of the Schedule to the Policy.
  2. Permanent Disablement of the Insured : If following an accident while on the trip abroad which caused permanent impairment of the Insured's mental or physical capabilities, the Company will pay the benefits as provided in the Table of Benefits below depending upon the degree of disablement provided that :
  1. The disablement occurs within one year of the accident.
  2. The disablement must be confirmed and claimed for prior to the expiry of a period of 3 months since occurrence of the disablement.
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