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Student Overseas Travel Health Insurance Policies from India
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8-Overseas Student Travel Insurance - ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited
Source: Website of ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited
ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited ("the Company"), having received a Proposal and the premium from the Proposer named in the Schedule referred to herein below, and the said Proposal, Declaration and Annexure thereto together with any statement, report or other document leading to the issue of this Policy and referred to therein having been accepted and agreed to by the Company and the Proposer as the basis of this contract do, by this Policy agree, in consideration of and subject to the terms and conditions contained in this Policy, as set out in the Schedule with all its Parts, that on proof to the satisfaction of the Company of the compensation having become payable as set out in Part I of the Schedule to the title of the said person or persons claiming payment or upon the happening of an event upon which one or more benefits become payable under this Policy, the Sum Insured appropriate benefit will be paid by the Company.
Definition Of Words And Expressions
"Air Travel"means the act of boarding an aircraft for the purpose of flying therein or alighting there from following a flight.
"Checked-In Baggage" means the baggage handed over by the Insured and accepted by the carrier, (airline/ ferry company) for transportation in the same carrier in which the Insured is going to travel and for which the carrier has issued a baggage receipt to the Insured.
"Company"means the ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited.
"Dependent"means the lawful spouse of the Insured not above the age of 60 years and any non-earning child of the Insured below the age of 18 years.
"Disease"means an illness, disorder or ailment suffered by the Insured and certified by a Physician or Surgeon.
"Educational Institution"shall mean any school, vocational institute, polytechnic, college, university or institute or higher learning which is duly licensed to provide educational services by trained services by trained or qualified teacher and where the Insured is registered as a full-time student.
"Family"means the primary Insured, his/her lawful spouse below the age of 60 years and maximum of four (4) dependent children below the age of 18 years.
"Hijack"means any unlawful seizure or exercise of control, by force or violence or threat of force or violence and with wrongful intent, of an air or sea commercial carrier on which the Insured is traveling.
"Hospital/Nursing Home" means any institution that is generally recognized as a hospital in the foreign country concerned and it is established for indoor care and treatment of sickness or injuries and is under the constant direction of a qualified physician.
"Immediate Family Member" shall mean an Insured Person's legally wedded spouse; siblings; siblings-in-law; parents; parentsin- law; legal guardian; ward; step-parents; who reside in India.rance
"Injury" means accidental bodily injury solely and directly caused by external, violent and visible and evident causes.
"Insured",means the individual whose name specifically appears as such in Part I of the Schedule to this Policy.
"Insurable Event"shall mean an event, loss or damage for which the Insured shall be compensated under this Policy.
"Period of insurance"is the duration of the Trip in respect of which the policy has been issued.
"Physician" means a person who is qualified to practice medicine or is a Surgeon and has a valid license issued by the appropriate authority for the same, provided that this person is not a member of the Insured's family.
"Policy"means Insured's proposal, the schedule, Company's covering letter to the Insured and any endorsement attaching to or forming part hereof, either at inception or during the period of insurance.
"Pre-Existing Condition"means the chronic illnesses or ailments and consequences of such illnesses or ailments existing or known to exist at the commencement of the trip abroad, even if the same had not been treated, or for illnesses treated or for which medical advice has been sought in the last six months before commencement of the trip abroad including their consequences.
"Service Provider"means any person, organisation or institution that provides services to the insured for an insured event, is covered under this policy and that is liable to be paid by the company.
"Sum Insured"means the maximum amount of coverage, as specified in Part I of the Schedule to this Policy, that the Insured is entitled to in respect of each benefit and as applicable per Trip under this Policy.
"Sound Natural Teeth"means natural teeth that are either unaltered or are fully restored to their normal function and are Disease-free, have no decay and are not more susceptible to injury than unaltered natural teeth.
"Sponsor"as used in the policy shall mean any individual responsible for paying the tuition fees of the student of his full time study in a registered educational institution outside of his home country.
"Sponsor Protection"means and includes the risks covered in Benefit 8 as described under the Scope of Cover.
"Study Interruption"means and includes the risks covered in Benefit 7 as described under the Scope of Cover.
"Third Party Administrator"means such person or persons as may be by the company from time to time to provide assistance to the Insured in terms of this policy.
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