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Student Overseas Travel Health Insurance Policies from India
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(1) Coverage student overseas travel (ICICI Lom)   (2) Students overseas travel policy wording(Tata AIG)
(3) Coverage student overseas travel insurance (Tata AIG)   (4) Student overseas travel Tata AIG insurance rates
(5) Comparision of coverage student overseas travel
ICICI Lom & Tata AIG
  (6) Student overseas travel ICICI Lombard insurance rates
(7) Policy Wording/ Proposal Form/ Brochure   (8) Students overseas travel policy wording(ICICI Lom)
(9) Product details of Various Companies for Student Travel Health Insurance
General/ Health Insurance Companies Products
8-Overseas Student Travel Insurance - ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited
Source: Website of ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited
  • For reimbursement of the costs of transporting the mortal remains to the Republic of India or of the costs of burial abroad, an official death certificate and a physician's statement giving the cause of death needs to be submitted. Medical statements from relations or spouses will not be accepted. Original bills/ receipts of the expenses incurred need to be submitted also. These would be paid as per the usual and customary charges incured for the same.
  • For reimbursement of extra expenses of transportation of Insured to the Republic of India, a medical statement from a qualified & registered medical practitioner indicating the cause of illness and the necessity of the transportation needs to be submitted. Medical statements from relations or spouses will not be accepted. Original bills/ receipts of the expenses incured need to be submitted also. These would be paid as per the usual and customary charges incured for the same.
  • In case of loss of checked-in baggage, a Property Irregularity Report or other report usually issued by the carriers in the event of loss of checked-in baggage will need to be submitted with the claims form. A letter from the airline will also need to be submitted stating the compensation received from them for the lost baggage.
  • Adequate proof of ownership of items contained within checked-in baggage valued in excess of the Indian Rupee equivalent of US $ 100 for loss/delay of checked-in baggage will need to be submitted.
  • For personal liability, proof of judicial decision rendered by a court of law needs to be submitted.
  • For personal accident, bills/ vouchers/ reports/ discharge summary that are submitted, must mention the name of the person treated, the cause of accident, details of the individual items of medical treatment provided and the dates of treatment. Please attach post mortem report if applicable.
  • For Study Interruption, on account of death of the Insured's Immediate Family Member, medical reports, statements from treating doctor and an official death certificate with a physician's statement giving the cause of death. Medical statements from relations or spouses will not be accepted. If in case of hospitalisation of insured, medical reports, statement from physician indicating necessacity for same needs to be submitted.
  • For Sponsor Protection, on account of death of the Sponsor, an official death certificate and a physician's statement giving the cause of death. All relevant medical and police reports also need to be submitted. Medical statements from relations or spouses will not be accepted.
  • For the Bail Bond benefit, the Insured shall forward a copy of the court order stipulating the amount required as Bail Bond.
  • For compassionate visit, medical reports and certificates from the doctor confirming the necessacity for the same needs to be submitted.
  • Insured's Immediate Family Members or the Sponsor would be required to submit an official death certificate, along with a statement from a physician stating the cause of death, to the Third Party Administrator if they wish to be discharged of their liability of paying the bail amount to the company within 1 month of the Insured's death. Death certificate from relatives or spouses will not be accepted.
  • For loss of passport, a Police Report obtained within 24 hours of the Insured Person becoming aware of the theft needs to be submitted. Along with this, bills/ receipts of expenses incurred in obtaining a new/ fresh passport needs to be submitted.
  • Any other document(s) that the Company requires from the Insured to process the claim may be asked for. If the Third Party Administrator or the Company request that bills/vouchers in a foreign language be accompanied by an appropriate translation then the costs of such translation must be borne by the Insured.
16.Obligations of the Insured :
(a)Claims for insurance benefits must be submitted to the Third Party Administrator not later than one (1) month after the completion of the treatment or transportation home, or in the event of death, after transportation of the mortal remains/ burial.
(b)The Insured shall provide the Third Party Administrator on demand any information that is required to determine the occurrence of the Insured Event or the Company's liability to pay the benefits. In particular, upon request, proof shall be furnished of the actual commencement date of the Trip abroad.
(c)If requested to do so by the Third Party Administrator, the Insured is obliged to undergo a medical examination by a Physician designated by the Third Party Administrator.
(d)The Third Party Administrator is authorized by the Insured to take all measures that are suitable for loss prevention and claim minimisation which includes the Insured's transportation back to the Republic of India.
(e)The Company shall be released from any obligation to pay insurance benefits if any of the aforementioned obligations are breached by the Insured.
17.Transfer and Set-off of Claims :
(a)If the Insured has any outstanding claims against third parties, such claims shall be transferred in writing to the Company up to the amount for which the reimbursement of costs is made by the Company in accordance with the terms hereunder.
(b)In so far as an Insured receives compensation for costs he/ she has incurred either from third parties liable for damages or as a result of other legal circumstances, the Company shall be entitled to set off this compensation against the insurance benefits payable, if any.
(c)Claims to the insurance benefits may be neither pledged nor transferred by the Insured.
(d)No sum payable under this Policy shall carry any interest/ penalty.
18.Geographical Scope: The insurance cover applies to all countries stated in the Policy Schedule, except those countries, the citizenships of which the Insured possesses or where the Insured has a permanent place of residence.
19.In the event of the Insured's death, the Company or the Company's representatives shall have the right to carry out a post mortem/autopsy, at the Company's expense.
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