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Student Overseas Travel Health Insurance Policies from India
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8-Overseas Student Travel Insurance - ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited
Source: Website of ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited
Terms & Conditions:
If the Insured meets with an accident, which leads to death or subsequent disablement of the Insured, the Company will provide insurance coverage to the Insured in the following manner:
1. Death of Insured: If following an accident that causes death of the Insured within one year from the date of accident, the Company will pay to the person nominated by the Insured, an amount as compensation subject to the maximum sum insured specified in Part I of the Schedule to the Policy.
2. Permanent Disablement of the Insured: If following an accident which caused permanent impairment of the Insured's mental or physical capabilities, the Company will pay the benefits as provided in the Table of Benefits below depending upon the degree of disablement provided that :
(a) The disablement occurs within a year of the accident.
(b) The disablement must be confirmed and claimed for prior to the expiry of a period of 3 months since occurrence of the disablement.
Benefits Compensation %
1 Death 100
2 Loss or Inability to function of  
  (a) An arm at the shoulder joint 70
(b) An arm to a point above the elbow joint 65
(c) An arm below the elbow joint 60
(d) A hand at the wrist 55
(e) A thumb 20
(f) An index finger 10
(g) Any other finger 5
(h) A leg above the center of the femur 70
(i) A leg up to a joint below the femur 65
(j) A leg to a point below the knee 50
(k) A leg up to the center of the tibia 45
(l) A foot at the ankle 40
(m) A big toe 5
(n) Some other toe 2
(o) An eye 50
(p) Hearing in one ear 30
(q) Sense of smell 10
(r) Sense of taste 5
Special Condition :
1. In the event of partial loss or impairment of the function of one of the above parts of the body or senses, the appropriate proportion of the percentage stated in the Table of Benefits will be considered for payment.
2.If the accident impairs a number of physical or mental functions, the degree of disablement given in the Table of Benefits will be added together, but the amount payable shall not exceed 100% of the Sum Insured specified in Part I of the Schedule to this Policy.
3. If the accident affects parts of the body or senses whose loss or inability to function is not dealt with above, the governing factor in determining the benefit amount in such a case will be the degree to which the normal physical or mental capabilities are impaired, solely from a medical point of view, as ascertained by the Third Party Administrator.
4. If the accident affects any physical or mental function, which was already impaired beforehand, a deduction will be made equal in amount for this prior disablement.
5. If the Insured dies for a reason unconnected with the accident within a year of the accident for whatever reason, and if a claim for disablement payment had arisen, then the payment will be made in accordance with the degree of disablement which would have been expected to exist from the findings of the last medical examination made.
6. In the event of permanent disablement, the Insured will be under obligation :
(a) To have himself/ herself examined by doctors appointed by the Company/ the Third Party Administrator and the Company will pay the costs involved thereof.
(b) To authorize doctors providing treatments or giving expert opinion and any other authority to supply the Company any information that may be required.
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