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Student Overseas Travel Health Insurance Policies from India
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(1) Coverage student overseas travel (ICICI Lom)   (2) Students overseas travel policy wording(Tata AIG)
(3) Coverage student overseas travel insurance (Tata AIG)   (4) Student overseas travel Tata AIG insurance rates
(5) Comparision of coverage student overseas travel
ICICI Lom & Tata AIG
  (6) Student overseas travel ICICI Lombard insurance rates
(7) Policy Wording/ Proposal Form/ Brochure   (8) Students overseas travel policy wording(ICICI Lom)
(9) Product details of Various Companies for Student Travel Health Insurance
General/ Health Insurance Companies Products
8-Overseas Student Travel Insurance - ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited
Source: Website of ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited
If the above obligations are not met with due to whatsoever reason, the Company shall be relieved of its liability to pay.
If the Insured is arrested or detained by the police/ judicial authorities of the place at which he has specified in the proposal form whilst abroad, and if the offence for which he is arrested or detained is bailable, then the amount upto the maximum specified against this benefit in Part I of the Schedule to the policy, will be provided to the appropriate authority/ court as the bail amount towards the arrest or detention, subject to the terms and conditions and the exclusions below.
The deductible excess in respect of this benefit will be applicable for each separate claim, and shall be of an amount as specified in Part I of the Schedule to this Policy.
Terms and Conditions :
The Company will pay or arrange to pay through the Third Party Administrator to the court directly on behalf of the Insured, the bail amount. This cover would be for bailable offences only.
The Insured shall appear in the court on the date specified by the court for trial and judgment.
If the bail bond is forfeited due to the misconduct or negligence or any wrongful act of the Insured or otherwise by breach of the terms of such bail bond, the amount of the bail bond will require being repaid by the Insured to the Company within 1 month after the bail bond is forfeited and if the Company so deems necessary (whether on expiry of such 1 month or otherwise), the Insured will be liable to repay the bail amount together with the interest rate of 18% p.a. accruing from the date of payment by the Company to the court until receipt thereof from the Insured, and the costs and expenses reasonably incurred by the Company in such behalf.
In case of death of the Insured, at the first instance, the Immediate Family Member, and in case where there is no immediate family member, the sponsor, if any, will be liable to produce the death certificate or the necessary documents, as per the local law, in the court within 1 month (of such death) for the release of the bail amount to the Third Party Administrator. In case they fail to do so, the Insured hereby agrees that the Company would have full right and authority to recover the bail amount from the estate of the Insured, or the parents/guardians of the Insured, and if applicable, the Sponsor.
The amount will be refunded to the Company or the Third Party Administrator by the court with which it was deposited as soon as the court releases the bail amount with which the deposit was made. In no case the amount will be paid out to the Insured.
The judgment shall have no bearing on the refund of the deposit to the Company or the Third Party Administrator. If the court imposes any penalty or fine on the Insured at the time of interim order or final judgment, then in that case the Insured will not be at the liberty to get the fine deducted or adjusted from the bail amount which was deposited by the Company or the Third Party Administrator.
Exclusions :The Company shall not be liable to make any payment under this benefit in connection with or in respect of any expenses whatsoever incurred by the Insured in connection with or in respect of all non-bailable offences as per the local Law of the country in which the incident has taken place or occurred whilst the Insured's trip abroad or on account of any exclusion mentioned in the 'General Exclusions' section of this Policy.
The Company shall pay the Insured, compensation in the event of Study Interruption upto the amount stated in the Part I of the Schedule to the Policy, subject to the terms and conditions and the exclusions below.
Terms & Conditions:
The Study interruption has to arisen on the following grounds :
1. In the event of Hospitalization of the Insured of more than one consecutive month from either a covered Injury or sickness or in the case of terminal sickness or in the case of a medical repatriation, or
2.In case of death of any one immediate family member or the sponsor during the entire policy period, which leads the Insured to discontinue his/ her studies for the remaining part of the current school semester for which Tuition has been paid, the Company shall reimburse the Insured, the Tuition fees which has already been advanced to the educational institution less possible/actual refunds, up to the amount stated in the Part I of the Policy Schedule.
In the event of a claim, the Insured shall make a request to the institution, in writing, seeking a written response from the institute towards any amount due to the insured by way of refunds, both of which shall require being provided to the Company. Only the figures shown on an official invoice(s) from the educational institution for payment of said Tuition Fees in conjunction with the refund statement, if any, shall be used for calculating any reimbursement paid by the Company. It cannot exceed the maximum amount stated in the Part I of the Schedule of benefits under this policy.
The claim would be payable by the company upon submission of an official death certificate and a statement from a physician (which physician should not be a relative or spouse of the Insured or the Sponsor) stating cause of death, as proof of death, of the Sponsor, by the insured. Simultaneous claims under 'study interruption' and 'sponsor protection' is not permitted.
Exclusions :
This Benefit does not cover any other loss, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, including loss caused by or resulting from any exclusion mentioned in the 'General Exclusions' section of this Policy.
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