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Family Floater Health Insurance Products in India (for your entire family)
(1) What is the Concept of Family Floater in health insurance?   (2) Introduction Family Floater Health Insurance
(3) Coverage & Exclusion under Family Floater Policies   (4) Family Floater Premium Comparative Chart
(5) Comparison of Family Floater Policies   (6) Policy Wording/ Proposal Form/ Brochure
(7) Family Floater Insurance Health from Companies   (8) Health Insurance Below Poverity Line (BPL) Families
General/ Health Insurance Companies Products
Life Insurance Companies Products
7- Family Floater Coverage - Easy Health Family Floater Insurance Plan from Apollo Munich
Source : Website of Apollo Munich Insurance Company Limited
  • This Policy only covers medical treatment taken wholly within India, and payments under this Policy shall only be made in Indian Rupees within India.
  • We are not obliged to make payment for any claim or that part of any claim that could have been avoided or reduced if the Insured Person could reasonably have minimised the costs incurred, or that is brought about or contributed to by the Insured Person failing to follow the directions, advice or guidance provided by a Medical Practitioner.
  • If any claim is in any manner dishonest or fraudulent, or is supported by any dishonest or fraudulent means or devices, whether by You or any Insured Person or anyone acting on behalf of You or an Insured Person, then this Policy shall be void and all benefits paid under it shall be forfeited.
  • Supporting Documentation & Examination
    The Insured Person shall provide Us with any documentation and information We or Our TPA may request to establish the circumstances of the claim, its quantum or Our liability for the claim within 10 days of the earlier of our request or the Insured Person’s discharge from Hospitalisation or completion of treatment. Such documentation will include but is not limited to the following in English:
Length of time Policy in force Refund of premium
up to 1 month
up to 3 months
up to 6 months
exceeding 6 months
  • We may terminate this Policy without reason upon 30 days notice by sending an endorsement to Your address shown in the Schedule, and We shall refund premium a rateable proportion of the premium as long as no claim has been made under the Policy.
  • The Policy shall automatically terminate if:
1. You no longer reside in India, or in the case of Your demise. However, the other Insured Persons may apply to continue the Policy within 30 days of Your death or move out of India provided that they have identified a new adult policyholder who is a member of Your immediate family. All relevant particulars in respect of such person (including their relationship to You) must be given to Us along with the application. If we accept such application, then the Policy shall be treated as having been renewed without any break in cover.
2. In relation to an Insured Person, if that Insured Person dies or no longer resides in India.
Section. 8 Interpretations & Definitions
The terms defined below have the meanings ascribed to them wherever they appear in this Policy and, where appropriate, references to the singular include references to the plural; references to the male include the female and references to any statutory enactment include subsequent changes to the same:
1. Accident or Accidental means a sudden, unforeseen and unexpected event caused by external, violent and visible means (but does not include any Illness) which results in physical bodily injury.
2. Age or Aged means completed years as at the Commencement Date.
3. Commencement Date means the commencement date of this Policy as specified in the Schedule.
4. Critical Illness means Cancer, Coronary Artery (Bypass) Surgery, First Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction), Kidney Failure (end stage renal disease), Major Organ Transplantation, Multiple Sclerosis, Paralysis and Stroke all as defined below only:
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